Fire Safety Around Your Park Home

Ensuring fire safety around your park home is crucial for your safety and that of your visitors. A smoke alarm and a carbon monoxide detector are essential items. Regular checks should be made to ensure they are in working order and have a safe power supply. Batteries should be changed regularly if they are battery-operated, and mains connections should be inspected.

You may find the following suggestions useful to maintain fire safety around your park home.

Fire Safety Outside Your Park Home

  • Equal attention must be given to the exterior of the park home as to the interior.
  • Keep the exterior tidy and neat to help prevent fires from starting or spreading from neighbouring homes.
  • Regularly inspect beneath the chassis to ensure there is no accumulation of dry vegetation or rubbish, especially during dry summer weather.
  • When replacing or fitting new boards or roofing, ensure fire-retardant materials, paints and treatments are used.
  • If adding an awning, confirm with the park owner that it complies with safe distances to prevent fire spreading from your neighbours.
  • Note the locations of fire hydrants and help points as you may not be able to access your phone.
  • Store fuel outside, ideally secured with quick-release straps for easy movement.
  • Regularly check seals, valves and disconnected cylinders.
  • Take the time to find out where the electricity supply to the park home can be shut off from the outside – your park management should be able to help you with this.
  • Keep barbecues always attended and a safe distance from your park home and your neighbours.

Fire Safety Inside Your Park Home

  • Keep a 1kg dry-powder fire extinguisher visible and have a fire blanket near the cooker.
  • Ensure air vents are clear to prevent fire and carbon monoxide poisoning.
  • Regularly check hinges and handles on windows and doors to ensure they do not hinder escape routes.
  • Switch off appliances when not in use, especially before bed or leaving your park home.
  • Avoid overloading sockets and packing cables too tightly.
  • Keep lighters and matches out of reach of children.
  • Avoid smoking indoors and never leave pans unattended on the hob.
  • Do not cover electric heaters with clothing or other items.
  • Have gas and electrical appliances and connections checked annually by a registered Gas Safe
  • If you smell gas, switch off gas appliances, shut off the gas at the main cylinder valve, and contact a gas engineer and the site owner.

In the Event of a Fire

Fire can move very quickly in a park home. This advice should help you stay calm and do the right things to keep you and your loved ones safe.

  • Have an evacuation plan in place and know the location of fire extinguishers and blankets.
  • Ensure everyone evacuates the home immediately.
  • Disconnect fuel canisters and shut off electricity if safe to do so.
  • Call the fire service and alert the park owner and neighbours.
  • Never re-enter the home once evacuated.

The suggestions provided here are not exhaustive and do not replace any information provided by the fire brigade or your park home insurance company. It is important to follow their guidance and check your policy details to remain under the protection of your policy.

This is a marketing article from multi-award-winning Park Home Assist.

Please note that all insurance cover is subject to acceptance of terms and conditions.

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Published – 12/07/24