Standard Park Home Insurance Cover – What’s Included?

Owning a park home comes with a unique set of responsibilities and risks. To protect your investment and provide peace of mind, having comprehensive insurance cover is essential. Park Home Assist offers a specialised park home insurance policy designed specifically for residential park home owners. This policy includes a wide range of standard features to ensure that your home and belongings are well protected. Here’s an in-depth look at what’s included as standard with Park Home Assist’s park home insurance policy. Please note that, as with any type of insurance, terms and conditions apply.

Comprehensive Buildings Cover

One of the most critical aspects of any home insurance policy is buildings cover. Park Home Assist offers extensive protection with a buildings cover limit of up to £600,000 as standard. This substantial cover ensures that your home is protected against a variety of risks, providing financial security should the worst happen.

Site Clearance, Transportation and Re-siting

In the unfortunate event that your park home is damaged beyond repair, Park Home Assist covers the costs associated with site clearance, transportation, and re-siting of a replacement home. This inclusion ensures that the process of rebuilding and relocating your home is as smooth and stress-free as possible.

Alternative Accommodation and Emergency Kennelling

If your home is rendered uninhabitable due to a covered event, the policy provides up to 25% of the buildings sum insured for alternative accommodation. This also includes emergency kennelling for your pets, ensuring that all members of your household are taken care of during the disruption.

Extensive Contents Cover

Protecting the contents of your home is equally important. Park Home Assist’s policy includes contents cover up to £75,000 as standard, safeguarding your personal belongings against theft, damage, and other risks.

Valuables and Special Events

The policy provides cover for valuables up to £20,000 within the park home. Additionally, there is an increased contents cover by 10% for one month before and after special events or religious festivals. This extra protection for no additional cost ensures that high-value items are covered during times when you may have more valuable possessions at home.

New for Old Replacement

All contents, except for pedal cycles and clothing, are replaced on a new for old basis. This means that if any of your insured items are damaged or stolen, they will be replaced with brand new items of a similar kind and quality, ensuring you don’t have to settle for less.

Additional Contents Cover

The policy also includes unlimited freezer contents cover as standard, ensuring you are compensated for any spoiled food due to a power outage or appliance failure. Other notable inclusions are £1,000 replacement lock cover in case of theft or loss of keys, and £1,500 cover for garden furniture.

Public Liability and Additional Cover

Public liability cover is a crucial aspect of home insurance, protecting you against legal liabilities if someone is injured or their property is damaged while on your premises. Park Home Assist provides an impressive £5 million public liability cover.

Vermin Damage and Business Equipment

New to the policy is cover for damage caused by vermin, adding another layer of protection against unexpected damage as part of a standard park home insurance policy. For those who work from home, there is up to £7,500 cover for business equipment, ensuring that essential work items are protected.

Theft and Financial Protection

The policy includes £2,500 cover for theft from outbuildings or garages, ensuring that your external storage areas are also protected. Additionally, it offers cover for money up to £1,000 in total or £2,500 if kept in a safe, and credit card cover up to £5,000 in total. These features provide comprehensive financial protection against theft and fraudulent activities.

Leak and Oil Escape Coverage

Tracing a water leak can be a costly and time-consuming process. Park Home Assist includes up to £5,000 for tracing and repairing water leaks, and £2,500 for escape of oil and metered water, ensuring that these issues are promptly and effectively addressed.

Additional Specific Coverages

The policy also provides up to £1,000 cover for pedal cycles within the home, offering peace of mind for cyclists.

Accidental Damage and Jury Service

Accidental damage cover is included while moving home, protecting your belongings during the transition. Additionally, there is compensation of up to £25 per day, totalling £1,500, if you are called for jury service, easing the financial burden during your civic duty.

Cover for Students

The policy also includes up to £5,000 of contents cover for items temporarily removed from the home while attending full-time education. This feature, covering up to £1,000 per single article, pair, or set, ensures that students’ belongings are protected while they are away at university or college.

Park Home Assist’s park home insurance policy offers an extensive range of standard features designed to provide comprehensive protection for your park home and its contents. From high-value buildings and contents cover to specific protections for unique risks like vermin damage and oil escape, this policy is tailored to meet the needs of park home owners. With additional benefits for permanent residents, Park Home Assist ensures that your investment is safeguarded, giving you peace of mind and security.

You may also want to investigate the many optional cover packages that we offer at Park Home Assist,  such as Home Emergency Cover or Legal Expenses Cover, to name just two optional benefits. You may find this allows you to tailor your cover to suit your exact needs.

This is a marketing article from multi-award-winning Park Home Assist.

Please note that all insurance cover is subject to acceptance of terms and conditions.

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Published – 02/08/24